ACM SIGMOD Vancouver, Canada, 2008
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Final Program

For Delegates


ACM SIGMOD/PODS Conference: Vancouver, 2008
Program: Industrial Papers

The industrial track of SIGMOD 2008 will be a forum for high quality presentations on innovative commercial software for all facets of information technology with emphasis on database systems, information retrieval systems, metadata management, business intelligence, information integration and XML. Submissions that do not relate to enlightening industrial projects or applications, case studies that could inspire new avenues of research and results of recent advances in commercial products, will not be accepted. Acceptance criteria will be innovativeness of software and the potential for impact.

The deadline for paper submission for the industrial track is November 16 2007, 3:00 PM US Eastern Time. There is no prior deadline for submitting abstracts. Papers must be submitted electronically through the industrial submission site. Absolutely no late submissions will be accepted.

Length: All submitted papers must be formatted according to these instructions, and must be no more than 12 US letter pages. This page limit includes all parts of the paper: title, abstract, body, bibliography, and appendices. However, the number of pages that will appear in the conference proceedings will be limited to 12.

File type: Papers are to be submitted as a single PDF file, formatted for 8.5" x 11" paper, and no more than 5MB in file size. In case you would like to submit a paper larger then this size please contact the industrial chair, Eric Simon), prior to the submission.

Formatting: Papers must use the ACM proceedings format, using one of the templates listed at the ACM SIG Proceedings Templates web site. It is not permissible under any circumstance to change the template's font size, margins, inter-column spacing, or line spacing. Templates are available in Word, WordPerfect, and LaTeX (versions 2.09 and 2e). For the LaTeX formats, you may use either the standard style or the SIG-alternate style. Note: Although the ACM templates include headings for "Categories and Subject Descriptors," "General Terms," and "Keywords," these are not used by SIGMOD and can be omitted from your submitted paper.


SIGMOD Industrial Track Program Committee:

Industrial PC Chair
Eric Simon (Business Objects)

Program Committee

Jose Blakeley (Microsoft Research)
Malu Castellanos (HP Labs)
Yuan-chi Chang (IBM TJ Watson Research)
Dana Florescu (Oracle)
Hui-I Hsiao (IBM Research China)
Sam Lightstone (IBM Canada)
Jayant Madhavan (Google Inc)
Vivek Narasayya (Microsoft Research)
Patrick O'Neill (University of Massachusets)
Jan Pedersen (Yahoo! Inc)
Tore Risch (Uppsala University)
Timos Sellis (NTUA University)
Ioana Stanoi (IBM ARC)
Ji-Rong Wen (Microsoft Research Asia)



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